Architecture of the Palo Alto CFT Lambda FunctionsΒΆ


digraph {
    subgraph fw_cft {
        size ="8.4";
        label="Firewall CFT";
        launch_fw_cft [shape=box];
        launch_fw_cft -> init [weight=8, label="deploy init_lambda"];
        init_lambda -> sched_evt1 [weight=8, label="deploy"];
        launch_fw_cft -> fwInit [weight=8, label="deploy fw_init lambda"];
        sched_evt1 -> fw_asg [weight=8, label="create fw asg"];
        fw_asg -> firewall [weight=8, label="launch firewalls"]
        nlb_sqs -> sched_evt1 [weight=8, label="read nlb IP"];
        sched_evt1 -> fw_nat_rule [weight=8, label="config fw nat rules"];
        fw_nat_rule -> fw_table [weight=8, label="update fw state"];
        sched_evt1 -> nlb_table [weight=8, label="update nlb table"];
        fw_table -> sched_evt1 [weight=8, label="read fw table"];
        firewall -> cloud_watch [weight=8, lable="register fw metrics"];
        fw_init -> create_eni [weight=8, label="1. create eni"];
        fw_init -> attach_eni_trust [weight=8, label="2. attach to instance"];
        fw_init -> attach_eni_mgmt [weight=8, label="3. attach to instance"];
        fw_init -> fw_table [weight=8, label="4. add/delete fw entries"];

    subgraph nlb_cft {
        label="NLB CFT";
        launch_nlb_cft [shape=box];
        launch_nlb_cft -> nlb [weight=8, label="deploy nlb"];
        launch_nlb_cft -> nlbLambda [weight=8, label="deploy nlb lambda"];
        nlb_lambda -> nlb_sqs [weight=8, label="write nlb IP"];
